‘Daughters of Eve,’ is an original docu-drama series that takes the audience on a fascinating journey through the extraordinary lives of women from both the Old and New Testament. It reveals the known and little known stories of these remarkable women who helped shape the Judeo-Christian faith of hundreds of millions of people, and whose worldwide impact is still felt today.
The series also explores a new genre in story telling: a documentary that is a fusion of compelling narratives by prominent biblical scholars – and a visually driven storyline that uses cinematically shot, dramatic scenes with (subtitled) dialogue in the authentic language of the time – Hebrew. Also, the series is filmed in many of the actual locations where these biblical stories took place.
Some hold a false notion that the Bible only affirms a misogynist or sexist view of woman. While many heroic women were wives, mothers or servants, it’s important to note that (in spite the patriarchal nature of this society), some women did ascend to significant positions of power: including prophets, judges, and queens. Of all these women, many used their influence to impact their culture and communities in ways that still affects society today. Daughters of Eve will bring these great stories to life: the stories of women that lived fascinating, strong, and courageous lives.
The series will showcase the known and behind the scenes narratives of iconic biblical characters such as, Mary mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Ruth, and the prophet Deborah. Also featured are the beautiful stories that chronicle the ancestry of God’s people – beginning with Abraham’s wife Sarah. The lineage continues as we reveal the stories of Rebekah, Rachel and Leah, Abigail, and Tamar. ‘Daughters of Eve,’ will also examine powerful New Testament stories that highlight Jesus’
revolutionary ministry to women like: Mary and Martha, the Hemorrhaging woman and the Samaritan woman. Notable biblical scholars such as Dr. Craig A. Evans, Prof. Claire Pfann, Dr. Yair Zakovitch and other experts, will provide the compelling storyline and transformative lesson for each episode.
‘Daughters of Eve,’ is filmed on location in the holy land and the ‘badlands’ of Alberta, Canada in breathtaking cinematic ‘4K’ resolution. In addition to these stunning visuals and transformative narratives, is an uplifting musical score, and dramatic sound design, that promises to captivate and inspire all who watch.
The series also has a companion small-group curriculum.